Rehearsing Hospitalities
Rehearsing Hospitalities is Frame Contemporary Art Finland’s public programme for 2019-2023. Please find events below.
All events
The programme consists of different forms of offline and online events such as talks, performances, gatherings, readings, and podcasts. It connects artists, curators and other practitioners to discuss and debate urgent questions. Events are organised and curated in collaboration with a wide range of partners, from institutions and organisations to individual artists and curators. Amongst others, we have collaborated with Asematila collective, AV-arkki, Helsinki International Artists Programme (HIAP), m-cult, Museum of Impossible Forms, Vantaa Art Museum Artsi, Museum of Finnish Architecture, curator Farbod Fakharzadeh, LAPS – Live Art and Performance Studies at the Theatre Academy of Uniarts Helsinki, artist Iida Nissinen, art educator Kaura Raudaskoski, producer Steve Maher, of Pixelache (2019–2021) together with curator Mary Conlon, The Showroom (London), Vera List Center for Art and Politics (New York), UKS (Unge Kunstneres Samfund / Young Artists’ Society) (Oslo), Finnish Cultural Institute in New York and Finnish Institute in the UK and Ireland.
These events strengthen long-term collaborations and ways of redistributing curatorial and cultural power. They are built upon an ethos of plurality and multiplicity concerning content and working models. We share long discussions and debates with our partners and participating artists to formulate common and joint perspectives and approaches. We have worked with many interconnected questions concerning hospitality towards different ways of knowing and multiple ways of understanding access, safety, security and re-distribution of power.