Tautvydas Urbelis
Curator and writer
Tautvydas Urbelis is a curator, (ex)philosopher and writer working in the field of contemporary art, education and speculative architecture. Focusing on intersectional modes of knowledge distribution, transdisciplinary exchange and unruly fictioning, Urbelis explores the poetics and tensions of being in an increasingly complex world.
Currently he is a curator of Alternative Education and Public Programmes at Rupert (Vilnius, Lithuania), an editor of Regeneration [and its Discontents] (Architecture Fund, 2021) and leads a research project Architecture of Lust. Urbelis curated events for and in collaboration with Architecture Fund, Contemporary Art Centre, EXPO Chicago, Future Architecture, Kaunas Architecture Festival, London Architecture Festival, Architecture of Shame, International Kaunas Film Festival and others.
Online meetings will be arranged in collaboration with Titanik Gallery in Turku.

Tautvydas Urbelis by Andrej Vasilenko