
Rehearsing Hospitalities

Live notations from Gathering for Rehearsing Hospitalities autumn 2022

Taken during Gathering for Rehearsing Hospitalities autumn 2022, these live notations mapped conversations and presentations unfolding across the four days in real-time. They act as visual records of the programme holding documentation, questions, references, and links for audiences to access. The visuals can be shared openly using the credit line: Live notations by Yvonne Billimore […]

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Preview of visual notations from the session Pixelache X Ormston House

Taken during Gathering for Rehearsing Hospitalities autumn 2022, these live notations mapped conversations and presentations unfolding across the four days in real-time. They act as visual records of the programme holding documentation, questions, references, and links for audiences to access.

The visuals can be shared openly using the credit line:

Live notations by Yvonne Billimore for Frame Contemporary Art Finland’s Gathering for Rehearsing Hospitalities autumn 2022.

Gathering for Rehearsing Hospitalities – co-organised with Theatre Academy of the Uniarts Helsinki, produced in collaboration with Pixelache Helsinki and Ormston House and partly funded by EU – was a four-day gathering from 5 to 8 October in Helsinki, Finland and online. The event brought together local and international contemporary arts audiences for interaction and dialogue. This year’s gathering focused on practices that deal with the redistribution of power, wealth, and resources within the art field and society at large.

The event is part of Rehearsing Hospitalities, Frame Contemporary Art Finland’s public programme for 2019 to 2023. The programme connects artists, curators and other practitioners in the field of contemporary art, and beyond, to build up and mediate new practices, understandings and engagements with hospitalities.