Frame Contemporary Art Finland’s Peer-to-Peer Programme is a joint initiative with eight other partner organisations connecting artists with art professionals across Europe.
Frame is now seeking eight Finnish and Finland-based artists for the 2021–2022 iteration.

The deadline for applications is 12 April. Selections will be announced on 19 April. Meetings will run between May–June and then again in September–October, 2021.
The Peer-to-Peer Programme is a joint initiative connecting artists and art workers across Europe for professional discussions and network building. The programme acts as a response to the needs declared by artists to dialogue with art professionals across disciplines and regions. These individuals are carefully matched by each organisation, which will offer a shortlist specifically tailored with each artist in mind. The artist will determine the final match-up for each of their meetings.
The project plans to foster professional development within the field of contemporary art, ecologically and transculturally. Originating as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it acknowledges both the need to exchange knowledge and act virtually. The programme hopes to continue using remote communication systems in the future – an endeavour in response to our current conditions and as an enduring platform to address the adverse global impact of air travel.
Structure of the Programme
Eight participating artists in the Peer-to-Peer Programme will have a total of two online meetings with two art professionals of their choosing. The first step is to apply, and then Frame together with partnering organisations will offer you the profiles of a selection of four professionals with whom to have meetings at a later date.
The programme is at an early stage and aims to organise the space and time needed for open-ended and mindful peer-to-peer enrichment. These sessions are intended to support cross-cultural and transdisciplinary relationships, gain professional critical dialogue on your work, foster intellectual and dynamic discussions, and cultivate new meaningful connections for future collaborations.
The programme is co-organised by the: Danish Art Foundation, Estonian Centre for Contemporary Art, Flanders Arts Institute, Frame Contemporary Art Finland, IASPIS – The Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Programme for Visual and Applied Art, Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Mondriaan Fund (the Netherlands), Office for Contemporary Art Norway, and Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. Each organisation will host eight artists for the programme, 72 artists in total.
How to Apply
If you are a Finnish artist, or based in Finland, and are interested in taking part, please apply using our online form. The form will ask two longer questions (max 1000 characters) related to your motivation, current work and projects as well as it will ask for a link to your website or an online portfolio and an open field to type in your CV as a list. You may answer the form in Finnish or English.
Apply by filling in this online form.
The deadline for application is 12 April.
Selections will be made by Frame’s Programme Officer Dahlia El Broul and Head of Programme Jussi Koitela. Basic English proficiency is ideal, but if you want a translator or can converse in another language, please provide this information in the submission form. In this call, we will give precedence to and are especially hoping for applicants living outside the Uusimaa region. But you are eligible to apply also from Uusimaa.
All artists will receive a fee of 125 € for each meeting. All together 250 €. This payment is to compensate artists for their time preparing and participating in the sessions. Both parties will mutually support each other, the support structure interrogates the normative relation of curator-to-artist-assistance and insists that the discussion benefits all involved, and will require time to research and prepare.
Frame advocates equity within the contemporary art field. We hope to receive applications over a broad spectrum of ages and geographies over Finland and encourage all artists to apply regardless of their educational background, professional status, social class, race, nationality, genders, gender identities, origin of birth, religion, or ability. Frame processes all information confidentially.
Selections will be announced on 19April. Meetings will start from May–June and then again in September–October 2021.
More information:
Jussi Koitela
Head of Programme