Rehearsing Hospitalities Spring 2022 Programme
Saturday 21 May, 3–6 pm (EEST)
at the Museum of Finnish Architecture and audio streams on the online platforms of Frame Finland and #StopHatredNow
Remote and live audiences can join the discussion using the Redistributions Chat.
Redistributions is an event organised by Frame Contemporary Art Finland as part of its public programme Rehearsing Hospitalities. In collaboration with the anti-racist platform #StopHatredNow and the Museum of Finnish Architecture, it presents different approaches to redistribution of power and wealth while examining institutional and educational infra-architectures.
The event brings together a performative intervention by artist Karolina Kucia and a roundtable discussion with researcher Alemanji Aminkeng Atabong, artist Noah Fischer and Milla Kallio from the urban planning collective FEMMA Planning.
Redistributions is part of Frame’s public programme Rehearsing Hospitalities. In 2022, the programme focuses on practices that deal with the redistribution of power, wealth, and resources within the art field and society at large.
In order to accumulate and reproduce their power and resources, privileged institutions and capitalist classes form specific social, spatial, legislative and economic structures that constrain the agency of individuals, especially those from marginalized communities. Neoliberal and racist structures among other forms of oppression are constantly reproduced and actioned through forms of economic, educational and spatial governing. The event considers ways in which to challenge these toxic acts of governing, class reproduction and marginalisation within contemporary (art) institutions, as well as broader cultural, educational and public contexts.

Saturday 21 May, 3–6 pm (EEST)
at the Museum of Finnish Architecture and online platforms of Frame Finland and #StopHatredNow
3 pm First showing
Imagine, that for some reason, you cannot get in – performance by Karolina Kucia
(35 min)
Onsite at Museum of Finnish Architecture (the performance begins outside, in the museum’s backyard)
3.35 pm
Break / Tauko (10 min)
3.45 pm
Redistributions – A Roundtable Discussion
with Alemanji Aminkeng Atabong, Noah Fischer and Milla Kallio from FEMMA Planning, moderated by Jussi Koitela
(90 min)
Onsite at Museum of Finnish Architecture and Online (live-streamed with captions on Frame’s Youtube channel and #StopHatredNow‘s website)
5.15 pm
Break / Tauko (10 min)
5.25 pm Second showing
Imagine, that for some reason, you cannot get in – performance by Karolina Kucia
(35 min)
Onsite at Museum of Finnish Architecture (the performance begins outside, in the museum’s backyard)
Imagine, that for some reason, you cannot get in – performance by Karolina Kucia
The performance Imagine, that for some reason you cannot get in is a guided tour through the building of The Museum of Finnish Architecture. The tour is based on the parasitic and monstrous strategies for inhabitations, dwellings, mutations and exits. Does “public” space exist, if there is no shared conception of “people” and common point of entry? What/who performs such a place… the host laying down the rules of the visit?.. the ghost whispering of violent pasts?… the guest, playing the insider while knowing too little?… or the pest, bringing about a possibility of surviving in dispossession? Featuring among others: a woman, a peasant, and toxoplasmosis.
Redistributions – A round-table discussion
Redistributions – A round-table discussion considers ways to challenge the toxic acts of unequally distributed wealth and power within contemporary public institutions and cultural contexts. It imagines a public field that acknowledges cultural and artistic labour and values in the communities that are not credited by the ruling capitalist elite. The discussion draws upon experiences from educational, artistic and spatial practices that challenge normalized structures of managing and distributing power and wealth. It draws from participants’ experiences with anti-racist educational practices, activism on the role of capitalism in cultural institutions and feminist urban planning practices.
All the events have limited capacity and require registration in advance. The roundtable discussion will be audio-streamed on Frame’s YouTube and on #StopHatredNow’s website, along with a live transcription. Please fill out the registration form, even if you wish to follow the discussion online.
Register here [↗]
At the venue, the audience for the roundtable discussion is limited to 50, and 15 for each showing of the performance.
Alemanji Aminkeng Atabong
Aminkeng A Alemanji researches issues of race, racism, antiracism and antiracism education. His research focuses on developing different strategies and methods of antiracism education in and out of schools. In January, he launched Finland’s first Antiracism application – Finland without Racism. Besides being a Docent in Sociology with specific expertise in Studies in Diversity, he is currently the Program Director for the Master of Social Exclusion at Åbo Akademi University.
Noah Fischer
Noah Fischer is a Brooklyn-based maker, performer, and teacher, whose work asks: how is art affected by financial power and what can be done about it? Noah has expanded from kinetic installations into stage design and performance, organizing, writing, and direct action, contributing to public discourse over the role cultural institutions play within capitalism and on the debts that affect creative communities. As a founding member of Occupy Museums, a member of Gulf Labor Coalition, and a longtime collaborator with Berlin-based theatre group andcompany&Co, Noah balances collective practice with intensive studio sessions. His work has been seen with and without invitation at Guggenheim, MoMA, Brooklyn Museum, and in the 56th Venice Biennale, 7th Berlin Biennale and the 2017 Whitney Biennial. Noah teaches at Parsons and NYU. During the pandemic, Noah has been writing and illustrating an epic science fiction novel about direct democracy and will premiere a stage performance about ants and collective intelligence in Berlin in June 2022.
Karolina Kucia
Karolina Kucia (she/her) is a performance artist with a background in sculpture and intermedia as well as in performance studies. At the moment she is also a doctoral candidate in the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki. She develops organisational scores based on concepts of parasite, monster and slip in the context of precarisation of labour in post-neoliberal capitalism and the current form of art institutions.
Milla Kallio/FEMMA Planning
Milla Kallio is a co-founder of FEMMA Planning, an urban planning collective specialized in participatory planning. FEMMA Planning studies places and their identities as well as experiences of the residents together with local actors. At the heart of FEMMA Planning’s work is a commitment to understanding different urban realities and experiences. The main aim of the agency is to bring other perspectives to the planning process than the purely technical; it’s not enough to know what the experts think, planners and policymakers need to also be aware of the lived experiences of city-dwellers.
Rehearsing Hospitalities
Redistributions is part of Frame’s public programme Rehearsing Hospitalities. In 2022, Rehearsing Hospitalities highlights institutional, curatorial and artistic practices that go beyond offers of hospitality, and transgress unbalanced forms of power distribution, such as those instilled in host and guest dynamics. Rather than simply working through “inclusion” and “invitation”—which often privileges the host—we imagine what the decentralization and redistribution of institutions, and the power they hold, might do to support a more equal and just arts ecology, and world. How might redistributing power and wealth remove some of the access barriers which block marginalized communities from participating in and (re)forming the fields of arts and culture?
Long Live Wivi Lönn!
The event is also part of the Museum of Finnish Architecture’s festival Long Live Wivi Lönn! where attendees will gather together around work by Wivi Lönn (1872–1966) to collectively reflect on the relationship between architecture and gender, as well as on issues related to equality and non-discrimination in the fields of architecture and culture. The Museum of Finnish Architecture is a national special museum. It maintains a collection of Finnish architecture and serves as a source of expert knowledge for everyone interested in architecture and the built environment.
Practising Coexistence
The event also forms one part of #StopHatredNow programme in 2022 Practising Coexistence, taking place from 16 to 21 May. This year’s #StopHatredNow strives to find ways of coming together and actively practice coexistence. #StopHatredNow is an intercultural and anti-racist platform organised and initiated by UrbanApa arts platform in collaboration with several art and intercultural organisations. The platform strives to create discourse and offers tools to create a more inclusive, diverse and feminist art field; inclusivity, diversity, non-discrimination, accessibility and social, as well as ecological sustainability, are issues that determine the future of every art and cultural institution.
Performances by Karolina Kucia are located at the Museum of Finnish Architecture (Kasarmikatu 24, 00130 Helsinki) and will happen twice, at 3 PM and 5.25 PM. For both sessions, the audience capacity is 15 persons.
The museum does not have an entrance with no access barriers. The starting point of the performance is outside, at the back door in the inner courtyard of the building, which is the most accessible entrance. The participatory performance takes the form of a guided tour, which will only be happening in spaces which can be accessed with a wheelchair. There is detailed information on their webpage about accommodating the accessibility needs of people wishing to participate.
The roundtable discussion can be accessed at the Museum of Finnish Architecture and online as a live soundstream with captions, hosted on Frame’s Youtube Channel and #StopHatredNow’s website.
You are requested to follow these Ethical Guidelines during the event [↗]