Lunch Bytes Helsinki 2
Structures and Textures: The Status of the Object
9 September 6 – 8 pm in Sinne, Helsinki
Structures and Textures: The Status of the Object

Technologists enthusiastically enumerate the many possibilities of this development: a heart monitor implant talking to the central computer of a hospital; streets with built-in sensors to switch the street lights on and off just in time for approaching cars; or a fridge that is able to order a new carton of milk online once the old one has been finished – all these things are becoming reality with this new technology. But if this form of intelligence is on the rise, what does this entail? How does this affect our relationship with the objects we engage with? What happens when formerly inanimate objects ‘come to life’ and show signs of agency, producing and distributing information and reacting to their environment? Who, in fact, is controlling them?
These technological developments can be related to recent work in philosophy that reassesses the status of the object, most notably Graham Harman‘s “Object Oriented Ontology”. One of the central claims in Harman’s thought is that the object’s reality, or its truth, far exceeds our knowledge or experience of it. In other words, we can never fully grasp the essence of an object, as it always remains partly hidden from us: the object is there, but it is not there for us. This encounter is an aes- thetic one, we can feel this quality, rather than understand it. Connecting this argument to the ob- jects of art, it can be argued that this is precisely how artworks function and what makes them so appealing: they seem to always be slightly out of reach, difficult to master, and they thrive on this very ambiguity. Moreover, human object interactions are considered as just one special case within the more general field of object-object relations.
Linking these two developments – the internet of things and the current philosophical interest in the status of objects – this Lunch Bytes event asks how we can think about objects in today’s digital media-saturated world, situated somewhere between rigorous technological control (internet of things) and radical autonomy (object-oriented ontology). Both strands, however, highlight the con- nections between objects, as they similarly describe the objects that surround us as part of a buzzing field of exchange, humming without our awareness. To put it with Steven Shaviro: “Vitality is unevenly distributed, but it is at work everywhere.” Artists who work with technology and have an intimate yet complicated relation to objects are invited, along experts, to think about the present and future of the object, inquiring into how it both affects and perpetually eludes us, addressing how objects relate to one another and what role technology plays in this relational, vital field.Artists and expert panelists:
Lily Díaz, Professor and Head of Research in the Department of Media at Aalto University
Cécile B. Evans, artist, Berlin
Marcus Steinweg, philosopher, Berlin
Jenna Sutela, writer and artist, Helsinki