

Kaisu Koivisto investigates technology and nature

Kaisu Koivisto: From series Bombé, 2012.
Kaisu Koivisto: From series Bombé, 2012.

Kaisu Koivisto’s installations and photographs examining nature, culture and technology are displayed at the Hendrik Christian Andersen Museum in Rome. The exhibition Intersezioni/Intersections is a dialogue in two parts: the fifteen year-long conversation between Koivisto and Italian artist Claudia Peill, and the two contemporary artists’ dialogue with Norwegian-American sculptor and painter Hendrik Christian Andersen (1872–1940).

In her works Kaisu Koivisto explores the interplay of nature, culture and modern technologies. The artist investigates the ways in which man perceives and attempts to exploit nature. Using recycled waste materials, she creates installations representing animal-like creatures. In doing so she asks herself: how should we regard animals? What is nature?

Installations find their counterparts in photographs of the abandoned ruins of cold-war nuclear missile bases in Eastern Europe. The forces of nature are gradually devouring the artificial structures. In Koivisto’s work the synthetic and the organic are interacting. Koivisto takes inspiration from the way in which the environment changes. Present, past and future are continually shifting.

The exhibition has been supported by Frame Visual Art Finland.


Kaisu Koivisto’s and Claudia Peills’s exhibition Intersezioni/Intersections is displayed at the Hendrik Christian Andersen Museum in Rome, Italy from 19 Sep 2013 until 19 Jan 2014.

Read more about the artist Kaisu Koivisto

Visit the museum’s web site