Juha Huuskonen has been selected as the new Director of Frame. His 5-year term starts on 1 August 2024. The decision was made by Frame’s Board of Directors.
Since 2014, Juha Huuskonen has served as the Director of HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme. Prior to this role, he worked extensively as an independent artist, curator, and producer, engaging with various associations and networks within both the Finnish and international art scenes. Throughout his tenure at HIAP, he has been committed to fostering international connections and led the realisation of numerous significant exhibitions and other collaborative ventures.
“Juha Huuskonen brings to Frame extensive international networks, a deep understanding of the visual art field in Finland, and experience in leadership and fundraising. His experience and active presence in the art field contribute to continuing the great work the organisation has done over the past years under the current Director Raija Koli”, says Jaakko Lindgren, chairperson of the Frame’s Board of Directors.
“Frame is a key organisation in the Finnish visual art field, and for me, it’s a very exciting opportunity to lead Frame through the next phase of development. I aim to establish a very active dialogue with the Finnish visual art scene so that Frame can serve it in the best possible way”, Juha Huuskonen says.
During the application period in December 2023, Frame received 18 applications for the position altogether.

Juha Huuskonen