

Interns gain experience of working in the contemporary art world

In March Frame welcomed two new interns.

Currently studying Art History at University of Helsinki, communications intern Sara Järvi graduated from Turku School of Economics with Marketing as her major last year. She wrote her Master’s thesis on measuring marketing performance in design companies. Having previously worked in marketing management duties at various agencies, she now hopes to pursue at career at the intersection of art and business.

“I believe that business-centered thinking in the art world can help create better, more financially sustainable and efficiently communicating organizations without sacrificing the integrity of art—at Frame I hope to gain experience of working in the contemporary art world while utilizing my business expertise.”

Originally from New York City, programme intern Dahlia Broul is an independent curator, educator and artist-illustrator, and will receive her MFA in Curating Managing and Mediating Art at Aalto University this summer.  Dahlia has previously worked for documenta 14, curated a number of shows at Aalto University’s NODE Gallery and led the educational programming at the Espoo Museum of Modern Art for the exhibition Ote/Points of View. In New York, she designed and delivered arts education curricula for institutions and schools across the city such as the Hudson River Museum, the 92nd Street Y and the Brearley School.

“My current research interrogates how cities increasingly divide us—questioning what further antiracist and feminist models nonprofit institutions and spaces of learning can devise as acts of solidarity and coherence.”


Photo: Laura Boxberg. Dahlia Broul (left) & Sara Järvi (right).