Are you interested in international development in the field of Finnish contemporary art? Do you have experience working on exhibitions abroad and a good knowledge of contemporary art? You can be a museum professional or an artist, curator, researcher, or other professional working in the field of contemporary art. We are now looking for peer reviewers to join our Grant Committee for 2021–2023.

The committee’s task is to review applications from artists and Finnish or foreign organisations seeking support for international networking related to Finnish contemporary art.
We are recruiting four members for the committee, three of whom will evaluate artist and project applications and one who will evaluate applications from other art experts such as curators and museum professionals. The Board of Directors of the Frame Foundation may also invite experts to join the Grant Committee from outside this call. The names of the Grant Committee members are public.
Peer reviewers of artist and project applications (three members)
Compensation and working hours:
There are two rounds of project applications and six rounds of travel applications per year. Peer reviewers are expected to assess two project application rounds and two travel grant application rounds annually, for which they will be paid 2,400 euros per year. Travel expenses for orientation and meetings within Finland are reimbursed.
The workload totals about 15 full working days per year. The processing time is about 20–30 hours per application round and the Grant Committee convenes for meetings for a total of about six hours twice a year. In practice, reviewers are given about one week to evaluate travel applications and about four weeks for project applications.
Expert visitor evaluator (one member)
Compensation and working hours:
The expert evaluator is expected to review four travel application rounds for expert visitors per year, for which they will be paid 500 euros annually. Travel expenses within Finland for orientation are reimbursed.
The workload totals about 5-8 full working days per year. The processing time is about 10-15 hours per application round. The evaluator has approximately one week per each application round.
Length of term
The term is two years extending from from 1 December 2021 to 31 November 2023. The members of the committee will receive induction preparing them for the task.
Prerequisites for working in the grant committee
1. Language skills
The task requires good Finnish and English skills and basic Swedish skills. Evaluators must be able to conduct a discussion in English if necessary. The evaluation is performed online, so the candidate must have their own computer, a personal e-mail address and access to online networks.
2. Evaluation of artistic work, the host organisation, and the financing of the project
The criteria for grant decisions made by the Grant Committee are based on quality of artistic work, scope of the project, significance of the partners, significance of the project to the artist’s career, and the project’s financial and practical feasibility.
Evaluators are therefore required to be able to assess the artistic standard of the project, its relevance to the international career of the artist, the significance of other contemporary art professionals involved in the project, the role of the host organisation, and the feasibility of the project. Successful candidates will require an in-depth knowledge of the field of contemporary art, its various practitioners, and international exhibition practices.
3. Deadlines and confidentiality
Peer reviewers are required to carry out the evaluation at specified intervals after the end of each round of applications. They must also commit to confidentiality and equal treatment of all applicants.
Our expectations
Successful candidates are expected to have extensive experience in international exhibitions and an understanding of various areas of contemporary art.
Members of Frame’s grant committee are barred from receiving a grant from Frame. Nor is any project in which a member of the grant committee is involved eligible for a grant from Frame. Members of the grant committee are disqualified from making decisions regarding applicants in their close circle.
Application procedure
Frame promotes equality and inclusion in all its activities. We welcome applicants of all ages, genders and linguistic, cultural and other minorities. If you belong to any of these groups, feel free to indicate this in your application. We treat all information you provide confidentially. Frame observes an anti-harassment strategy.
Send your application in Finnish or English justifying why you qualify to serve as a member of the Frame Grant Committee (max. 1 A4) and your CV to: Send your application and CV as a single PDF file.
Deadline for applications: 30 April 2021.
The Board of Directors of the Frame Foundation will decide the members of the committee and confirm them at its meeting in August 2021, after which their names will be announced.
For more information, please contact:
Veera Lizé, Grant Coordinator,
Raija Koli, Director,