Frame’s Safer Space Guidelines

With these principles, we work to create safer spaces in our events and office spaces:

Respect and support. Respect everyone present in the shared space, their speeches, and their participation. Act with good intentions and take care of each other. 

Assumption and generalisation. Let’s not make assumptions about people’s gender, pronouns, sexual orientation, health status, background, abilities etc. without them being told. Respect everyone’s right to self-determination and privacy. 

Consent. Don’t touch or take pictures of anyone without consent. Ask for consent and respect the answer received. In digital spaces, get consent before taking a screenshot or recordings of participants. Be willing to apologise, be open to critique, and change your behaviour if someone asks. 

Accountability. Everyone present is involved in the realisation of a safer space. If you witness or encounter discrimination or inappropriate behaviour, please inform this to Frame’s staff onsite or please use the feedback form

We welcome feedback before, during, and after the events. You can provide this anonymously via the event feedback form. Alternatively, you may contact the events named contact person.

These guidelines were updated during spring 2022 and published in August 2022. They include adaptations from The Peace Education Institute’s Guidelines for Safer Space document and Commonfield and Community Agreements. Please feel free to borrow or adapt our guidelines for your needs while creating safer spaces for events.