Miriam Wistreich
Director of UKS
Attending the Rehearsing Hospitalities programme in April–May
Miriam Wistreich is the director of UKS – (Unge Kunstneres Samfund / Young Artists’ Society), an Oslo-based institution for contemporary art and a Norwegian membership organization. Founded by artists for artists in 1921, UKS has since established itself as one of Norway’s core experimental venues for the arts; convening, exhibiting, and supporting critical voices of contemporary artists, with the objective of having both an artistic and political impact within and beyond its region.
Wistreich’s interests revolve around the production of (feminist) subjectivity within neo-liberalism. She was previously Creative Director at Hotel Maria Kapel, an artist-in-residency and exhibition space in the town of Hoorn, NL. As part of part of the Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology, a curatorial platform for planetary becoming, she co-curated the 2020 biennial Alt_Cph: Patterns in Resistance in Copenhagen, DK, as well as co-translating and publishing Donna Haraway’s ‘Playing String Figures with Companion Species: Staying with the Trouble’ and Astrida Neimanis’ “Hydrofeminism: Or on Becoming a Body of Water” into Danish. She has worked with organisations and institutions such as I Can’t Dance I Don’t Want to be Part of Your Revolution and the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, NL, SMK – National Gallery of Denmark and Louisiana Museum of Modern art, DK.

Miriam Wistreich