Francisco Martínez

Anthropologist and curator

Francisco Martínez is an anthropologist dealing with contemporary issues of material culture through ethnographic experiments. In his work, he explores how the materiality around us frames the way we know the world, making use of exhibitions as a methodology for social research. In 2018, he was awarded with the Early Career Prize of the European Association of Social Anthropologists.

Francisco works as Associate Professor at Tallinn University and convenes the Collaboratory for Ethnographic Experimentation (EASA Network). Francisco has published several books, including Ethnographic Experiments with Artists, Designers and Boundary Objects (UCL Press, 2021) and Remains of the Soviet Past in Estonia (UCL Press, 2018). He has also curated different exhibitions – including Objects of Attention (Estonian Museum of Applied Art & Design, 2019), and Life in Decline (Estonian Mining Museum, 2021).

Portrait of Francisco Martínez. Francisco has short dark hair, green trousers, brown jacket, a colorful scarf and a blue cap on. Francisco is leaning with his left hand against a red wall.

Francisco Martínez. Image: Vicente Vicéns © VICENTE VICENS TFGP.