

Equality and anti-racism in Frame

Black Lives Matter – now and in the future. Frame is committed to antiracist work both in our programme and through direct support. Frame’s strategy for 2020-2022 states that the underlying values of our work are equity, freedom of speech and diversity within the arts.

We understand that only concrete actions make a real difference. In 2020 we are committed to changing the contemporary art field in the following ways:


Diversity in our programme 

The Rehearsing Hospitalities programme (2019-2023) poses the question: how can Frame and the art scene be hospitable towards diverse artistic practices and communities? How can we respect and support artistic work created by practitioners  from different cultural backgrounds and identities? The programme aims to update the practices of hospitality within contemporary art and to create a fairer playing field.

Every year Frame invites international art professionals to visit Finland and become acquainted with our contemporary artists. We recognise the diversity of the contemporary art field in Finland and promote artists and organisations who are underrepresented in order to create international networks and opportunities for collaboration. 


Financial support

We benefit every day from the knowledge produced by organisations involved in antiracist work. In 2020 we pledge financial support to feminist and antirascict processes and organisations such as #ArtForEquality process, Ruskeat Tytöt Media and the Fem-R organisation. 

We encourage other contemporary art organisations to join in and also give their support.




We recognise that Frame is an organisation driven on all levels by white privileged people. We commit to promoting greater diversity among our personnel and in our organisational structure. Information on our personnel can be found on our website. Our board is appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

We recognise our privilege and will strive to unlearn racist thought and dismantle unfair structures by educating ourselves and all decision makers within our organisation. In the autumn we will form an antiracist study group and produce an equity package for our organisation.