
Frame Contemporary Art Finland
tel. +358 40 507 0809, weekdays 10 am–3 pm
Frame Foundation, 2475893-2

Find staff contact information below

Frame Contemporary Art Finland
Töölönkatu 11 A
FI-00100 Helsinki

Frame office is open between Monday and Wednesday 10 am–3 pm, or by appointment. There is no buzzer on the door so when arriving, please call your contact person or Frame office number +358 40 507 0809 and we will let you in.


Electronic invoices

Electronic invoice address: FI7415553000114927
Electronic invoice operator: Nordea (NDEAFIHH)
Data format: Finvoice

Invoicing by email

Please send your invoice as a PDF attachment (max 5 MB) to:
If your invoice includes additional pages, please add them to the same file as the invoice.

Please address your invoice to:

FRAME Foundation
Ostolaskut 12815B
PO Box 10

Please note, that the invoice must contain the name and address of the biller’s bank, and the BIC/SWIFT code.

Invoicing by mail

Frame Foundation
Ostolaskut 12815B
PO Box 10

The invoice must contain the name and address of the biller’s bank, and the BIC/SWIFT code.

Please do not send any invoices to our visiting address.
In case you are unable to send an electronic invoice,  please mail your invoice to the address above. No other material except attachments related to the invoice should be included in your mail.

For any other mail, please use our postal address given above.

Staff contact information

Email addresses are

Juha Huuskonen


+358 40 570 9617


As CEO, I represent the Foundation and run it according to our mission. My work also includes international work, advocacy, engagement with stakeholders and collaboration with partners.

Emmi Vainio

Head of Administration

+358 40 728 6615


As Head of Administration, I am responsible for the general and financial management of the Foundation. My duties also include developing the Foundation’s operations and finances in collaboration with the Executive Director and staff. You can contact me on administrative matters.

Rosa Kuosmanen

Head of Communications

+358 50 465 3462


As Head of Communications, I am in charge of Frame’s communications, visual arts statistics, partnerships, advocacy and communications of the Venice Biennale. You may contact me regarding any questions about Frame’s communications.

Pauliina Kallio

Communications Assistant


As Communications Assistant I work with the daily communications and on content creation for the website, newsletter and social media platforms of Frame. Feel free to contact me regarding any questions about Frame’s communication.

Veera Lizé

Grants Coordinator

+358 44 728 9914


As Grants Coordinator, I am responsible for Frame’s grants activities and guidance regarding grants. You can contact me regarding any questions about Frame’s grants.

Ellinor Zetterberg

Project Manager (Venice Biennale)

+358 50 374 8526


As Project Manager for the Venice Biennale, I am in charge of planning and executing the exhibition production for the Finnish Pavilion at the 2024 and 2026 Venice Art Biennales.

Arvid van der Rijt

Programme Coordinator


As a Programme Coordinator I coordinate Frame’s International Visitor Programme and other current projects, such as curatorial programmes. Contact me if you are interested in collaborating in our international programmes.

Mathilde Palenius

Programme Assistant


As a Programme Assistant I assist in Frame’s international programme, such as visitor and curator programmes. Mathilde’s position at Frame is supported by Svenska Kulturfonden.

Black and white portrait of Jussi Koitela.

Jussi Koitela

Head of Programme (on work leave until 31 May 2025)