Strategy and annual report
On this page you can find Frame’s strategy.
Frame’s strategy
Frame Contemporary Art Finland is an expert organisation that promotes international activities within the contemporary art field in Finland. Frame supports the international activities of professionals within the contemporary art field, collaboration between art professionals and produces information on visual arts in Finland.
Operational environment
The forms of and the sites of presentation of contemporary art are ever changing. This opens up new opportunities for international activities, mobility and collaboration for Finnish contemporary art. The challenges are in the limited resources of developing activities, of finding the most useful contacts and to strengthen the intermediary parties within the field.
Frame’s operational activities are divided into three categories: international work, strengthening the visual arts field and communication.
- The international work promotes the visibility of Finnish contemporary art by strengthening networks, the premises of work and mobility;
- The visual art environment is supported by producing information, giving grants and promoting collaboration;
- Communication increases the visibility of contemporary art and disseminates information about it.
Frame’s work is based on the principles of equity, respect for the freedom of expression and the recognition of the many ways in which art professionals work.
Frame is committed to ecological sustainability in every aspect of its work.
We see encounters as an important value. By creating opportunities for contemporary art professionals to meet each other we create work opportunities abroad, long-term relationships and the development of artistic work. Participating in international discussions also leads to understanding and appreciating differentness. Art is interaction and it is essential to do this interaction widely.
Mobility doesn’t mean only traveling. We recognize that both traveling and reducing traveling for ecological reasons are important. Therefore we do international networking thoughtfully and farsightedly, also using digital channels in maintaining relationships and presenting artists to international contemporary art professionals.
Frame’s values stem from the remit as an expert organization within the contemporary art field. The most important values are those of vision, trust and responsibility.
Frame’s activities are based on expertise and interaction with the professionals within the field.
Frame’s work is planned and transparent.
Frame strives to create a more sustainable and more equal contemporary art environment.
- Finnish contemporary art is an integral part of the international field of contemporary art;
- Frame has increased its impact through collaborators;
- Frame has found an ethically sustainable way of implementing its mission;
- Frame is a respected creator of networks within the international field of contemporary art;
- Frame has increased its own resources and those of the visual art environment.
The Board of Directors evaluates the delivery on the strategic goals through measuring impact, self-evaluation and annual reports. The Board revises the strategy when needed.