Soph Boobyer
Research Fellow
Soph Boobyer (she/they) has a mediating practice focused on the proximities and gestures between bodies in space, advocating for more multi-sensory presentations of knowledge. Through a combined curatorial and craft practice, they use talking, listening, writing, making, [re]using, altering, disrupting, gathering, inviting, and visiting to consider eco-critical and -feminist contexts. Her most recent projects include ‘For A Kin-Aesthetics’ and ‘If Glueing Yourself To The Hay Wain Isn’t Really Your Thing’, that have been part of an ongoing research into the dynamics of haptics in convergence with environmentalism and art exhibition spaces, to promote more accessible and polymorphic modes of curation.
Soph holds a MA in Geo-Design from Design Academy Eindhoven (NL), and a BA in Three Dimensional Design from Manchester School of Art (UK), and since 2014 has worked individually and collaboratively on such themes above with Manchester City Council (UK), Guldagergaard Ceramic Research Centre (DK), Stedelijk Museum (NL) and KUBES Foundation (NL).

Soph Boobyer. Kuva: Miguel Teodoro.