Adam Kleinman
Director of Kunsthall Trondheim
Adam Kleinman has organised numerous exhibitions, programs, and events, and has authored monographic texts for artists such as John Latham, Rossella Biscotti, Bertille Bak, and many others; he is a frequent contributor to Artforum–for whom he recently went on assignment in Ukraine to cover the Russian War of Aggression on Ukraine–and other like publications as well. Kleinman is likewise the curator of several exhibitions dedicated to the presentation of individual artists such as Gala Porras-Kim, and American Artist, and is the commissioner of new work by artists including Carlos Motta, Trevor Paglen, Davide-Christelle Sanvee, Jérôme Bel & Andros Zins-Browne, amongst others. He participated in the 56th Venice Biennale (curated by Okwui Enwezor) as well as many other large-format perennial exhibitions. Kleinman was previously Curator for North America at KADIST; Editor-in-chief and Adjunct Curator at (FKA) Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art; Agent for Public Programing at dOCUMENTA (13), and is currently the Director of Kunsthall Trondheim.

Adam Kleinman, Photo: Annika Svendsen Finne