

Call for grant applications for 2020 is open

Frame Contemporary Art Finland opened a new round of grant applications for international contemporary art projects in 2020 on Friday 1 November. Frame invites applications from organisations planning exhibition projects or publications featuring Finnish artists.

Project grants are available for contemporary art projects with Finnish-based artists in 2020. Grants are awarded in the following fields: visual art, photography, media art, applied art, comics art, performance art and sound art.

Frame accepts applications for travel grants any time. Under Frame’s grant programme, foreign art experts can apply for a travel grant for work-related visits to Finland.

The deadline for project grant applications is Saturday 30 November 2019 at 11.59 pm Finnish time (GMT +2).

Grant applications are to be submitted online.

Detailed information on the application procedure is available on Frame’s website.

Join our grant info session and grant clinic

We will host a special grant info session in English at 3 pm on Wednesday, 13 November at Frame’s office space (Ratakatu 1 b A 9, Helsinki).

Our Grants Coordinator Veera Lahtinen will share further details about Frame’s grants and offer tips for compiling a good application.

We are also arranging a grant clinic on Wednesday 20 November between 1 pm and 4 pm. Book an appointment for personal guidance to help you compile your application!

Sign up for the events

Picture: Nastja Säde Rönkkö: 6 Months Without (2018-2019) Image credits: Nastja Säde Rönkkö, Magda Fabianczyk